A Guide to Eco-Friendly Home Gardening-Book

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A Guide to Eco-Friendly Home Gardening-Book

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A friendly 84 page guide to help promote the practice of home gardening, to encourage healthier and more environmentally friendly lifestyles


W. Sarathchandra Fernando

About the Author

Sarathchandra Fernando draws his initial experience from the agricultural field, which thereafter expanded to the areas of social development and social mobilisation. His formal training spans a range of sectors from environment, rural leadership and animal husbandry to community education. Through his work directly with local communities, he has had the opportunity to observe the various agricultural practices being used by different sectors of the population in Sri Lanka. A compilation of those experiences and the best practices has resulted in this publication. Mr. Fernando has been offering technical expertise to Dilmah Conservation’s Sustainable Agricultural Research Centre (DCSARC) since 2013

About the Publisher

Dilmah Conservation was initiated in 2007 by Dilmah to incorporate environmental conservation efforts into the MJF Charitable Foundation, which focuses on social justice. Dilmah Conservation works towards the sustainable use of the environment in partnership with other organisations including the International Union for Conservation of Nature - IUCN. The pledge made by Dilmah founder Merrill J. Fernando to make business a matter of human service is deeply ingrained in the work carried out by Dilmah Conservation. For additional information visit our website at www.dilmahconservation.org.





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